Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cute has a season too.

I got this pic in an eMail today. I imagine about a week or so ago, this picture was cute as hell.

Let's get some bobJuan stuff on the table.

I'm gonna start honoring folks I know (of) who died as we go along. I've seen a bunch of death lately, and I've posted some here and there. Here's a few more:

Dorris Moore. The mother of my good friends Kevin, Ken and Don.
Ronald Earley. Friend of my friend Susan.
Jonathan. Nephew of my friend Susan
Van Washington. Husband of my friend Liz.

I give each of you my very best love and attention right now. You can come sit with me in the big chair, anytime.

OK, .next. I want to remind you one more time of my new favorite poet here. Check her out.

I just found out what soup to nuts really means here. It's way more fun saying it without really knowing what it means. Like cussing in spanish.

What would we do without birds?

I always feel good after
I feel bad
or is it before?

I don't care how everywhere it is
when my mom dies,
the world stops.

Whatever you think you're gonna die from
you won't be ready then either.

I'm on a death-roll I guess. Probably because I still have a bad case of gout in my left big-toe-foot and my Dr. says my liver-numbers are off the charts. I sure hope it's not too late for moderation!

I was thinking about a picture of my boy Eli I saw today, and realized, that kid can pull pleasure out of thin air! I love my boy.

That's it for this time. You know your bobJuan loves you.

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