Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Red Checkered Table Cloth

Florence and old friends
one recently and dearly departed
we fancy this was his idea
many gold threads weave this quilt
every untrue erased
all cups topped off
finishing and starting all over the place
the memory magicians thaw the
frozen stories of Then
Like 35 years just didn't exactly happen
not all have been cold and on hold however
Sons & Brothers stand before us
straight up
reminding us of our turn
love bleeding out loud
oh my father, how I loved you
how much we had
how much we didn't
Their mother, our mom
more beautiful and gracious than
any memory of any woman ever
All days long holding everyone up
Her all nights lasting all nights.
our tears
This shared taste of loss
sweetest pain we know
like cognac surrounded in bitter chocolate
we find our communal love inside, and it soothes
it warms enough, we can smile
The sons now our brothers
their wives sisters and
daughters our little girls
As for my two best friends
where do we go from here
now that there's a new bulb in the love light
I feel 1972 running through my blood
got my tight jeans on and ready to fry some tacos.
I'm ready to show others how too.

[Pic stolen from here.]

1 comment:

  1. That was a blessing to read. I appreciate your poetic way of expressing my pain, love, and hope. Keep the creations coming.
