Friday, May 1, 2009

The Flu Take 2 (We're going to Mexico)

As it turns out, there are cases of the flu here in Phoenix, but not Rocky Point. It's gotta be safer down there. Also, check out these stats.

Killed by Car Accidents
Highway fatalities account for more than 94% of all transportation deaths. There were an estimated 6,289,000 car accidents in the US in 1999. There were about 3.4 million injuries and 41,611 people killed in auto accidents in 1999. The total number of people killed in highway crashes in 2001 was 42,116, compared to 41,945 in 2000. An average of 114 people die each day in car crashes in the U.S. more... and 1999 pdf... [PDF Document - 2.5M] 

Killed by the Common Flu

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 35 to 50 million Americans come down with the flu during each flu season.The CDC estimates that in the US more than 100,000 people are hospitalized and more than 20,000 people die from the flu and its complications every year.

We'll probably go by train, or shuttle. Car's are dangerous.

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