Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ode to Arizona Watering Holes

Not that long ago, in my lifetime anyway, you could smoke just about anywhere. Really. In hospitals even. I remember the grocery store had ashtrays at the end of each isle. I remember having a smoke lit and lighting another one at work, smoke-filled conference rooms. Smoke-filled everywhere! The plane, as soon as the wheels left the ground the "smoke-um-if-you-got-um" light went on. And the entire back of the plane lit up! When the tide started turning there were only certain places you could smoke, like the cafeteria at work! How silly. I don't remember smoking in an elevator but I bet someone does. I'm glad that's over. Yet as a smoker, there's something I will miss. There are certain watering holes around these here parts where you can walk in, get some whiskey (or whatever your juice is) and smoke. Drinking and smoking. It's bad, but it's good, and I'll miss it. Arizona passed the final you can't smoke anywhere in public law this past year. I agree, didn't vote for it, and I don't agree. If I ran my own bar/business, I would be very pissed at this. Certainly some are. Though I'm not a bar-hopper by day I do find my way around Arizona at times, enjoying a saloon, how its always been. I will miss it. On May 1st the law pretty much shuts this show down. Between now and then you may find me trying to get one more, where it ain't gonna be no more. In Arizona we have a rich western heritage that includes saloons. People have been smoking in them since before they were even open. Some Favorites:

Big Nose Kates in Tombstone. None finer touch of the west. Bird Cage in Prescott. It's on Whiskey Row. Spirit Room in Jerome. Stock Exchange in Bisbee. Copper Queen Bar in Bisbee. Old Brass Rail in Phoenix. Lion's Den in Pinetop. This is a lot like all the other progress we make as we evolve I reckon, and I ain't fightin it. There's just a bit of the past that is slipping way, no doubt for the best, but nonetheless it is.

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