Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Last Of It.

As some of you know, my hospice patient (I'll call him Morrie) died last month. My son Eli and I spent quite a bit of time helping his Mom (83 year old sweetheart) clear out his apartment. We moved some stuff to storage, about 5 times what you see in this picture. Between then and now, other friends and family went through it, and took what they would. Today, Eli and I met Mom at the storage and brought the final bit of it over to my place. I thought I would go through it one more time, in respect to a man who had a big love for movies, music, literature, poetry and more. There's probably 200+ records here (classics, like InaGodaDavida, Cat Stevens, classic classics and more). Probably as many books. Poetry, Movie Trivia, Reference (dictionaries, thesaurus'sss, books of quotes) literature, etc. I sat with it all of that, and Morrie for a bit. This stuff here is heading to Goodwill I reckon. Where my stuff will go too someday. It's just stuff, but it was his stuff. I handle with care.

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