This farm is treating us and the planet, just about right as far as I'm concerned, first class love in my opinion. It's one of those things. Like don't resist the hug monkey, or never pass up a chance to be nice or thankful, and certainly eat locally grown, organic, tasty produce!
There's something about eating "your" vegetables. Mom made me do it because she loved me. Now, it's just part of my celebration of life and this planet. Speaking of which. My friend Suzzana just sent me the end of a poem by Vonnegut, someone she's read, but I haven't. Here it is, without any comment from me.
His last book, in 2005, was a collection of biographical essays, “A Man Without a Country.” It, too, was a best seller. In concludes with a poem written by Mr. Vonnegut called “Requiem,” which has these closing lines:
When the last living thing has died on account of us, how poetical it would be if Earth could say, in a voice floating up perhaps from the floor of the Grand Canyon, “It is done.” People did not like it here.
[remember: all of the photos posted in my blogs here can be clicked on for full-size view].
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