Sunday, April 29, 2007

Don't kill that bug!

I have been reading some Issa for the last few days. A book that I retrieved from Morrie's things. A couple of thoughts. I think the author Lewis Mackenzie does a really nice, kind introduction to the man. I'm not a critic of anything really, so I wouldn't know how well the author Lewis or Issa the poet did in those circles, but I do appreciate people talking nice about things (you knew that). And there are several of his poems that treat insects and animals, birds, all of it with the utmost recognition of our common time and life. He brings them into the scene with the life-respect that all living things deserve I feel. That kind of stuff really gets me juiced up. This morning, I was doing my own homegrowne style of this. That bird up there sees everything Doesn't care what's coming. OK, I'm out there now.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Last Of It.

As some of you know, my hospice patient (I'll call him Morrie) died last month. My son Eli and I spent quite a bit of time helping his Mom (83 year old sweetheart) clear out his apartment. We moved some stuff to storage, about 5 times what you see in this picture. Between then and now, other friends and family went through it, and took what they would. Today, Eli and I met Mom at the storage and brought the final bit of it over to my place. I thought I would go through it one more time, in respect to a man who had a big love for movies, music, literature, poetry and more. There's probably 200+ records here (classics, like InaGodaDavida, Cat Stevens, classic classics and more). Probably as many books. Poetry, Movie Trivia, Reference (dictionaries, thesaurus'sss, books of quotes) literature, etc. I sat with it all of that, and Morrie for a bit. This stuff here is heading to Goodwill I reckon. Where my stuff will go too someday. It's just stuff, but it was his stuff. I handle with care.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ode to Arizona Watering Holes

Not that long ago, in my lifetime anyway, you could smoke just about anywhere. Really. In hospitals even. I remember the grocery store had ashtrays at the end of each isle. I remember having a smoke lit and lighting another one at work, smoke-filled conference rooms. Smoke-filled everywhere! The plane, as soon as the wheels left the ground the "smoke-um-if-you-got-um" light went on. And the entire back of the plane lit up! When the tide started turning there were only certain places you could smoke, like the cafeteria at work! How silly. I don't remember smoking in an elevator but I bet someone does. I'm glad that's over. Yet as a smoker, there's something I will miss. There are certain watering holes around these here parts where you can walk in, get some whiskey (or whatever your juice is) and smoke. Drinking and smoking. It's bad, but it's good, and I'll miss it. Arizona passed the final you can't smoke anywhere in public law this past year. I agree, didn't vote for it, and I don't agree. If I ran my own bar/business, I would be very pissed at this. Certainly some are. Though I'm not a bar-hopper by day I do find my way around Arizona at times, enjoying a saloon, how its always been. I will miss it. On May 1st the law pretty much shuts this show down. Between now and then you may find me trying to get one more, where it ain't gonna be no more. In Arizona we have a rich western heritage that includes saloons. People have been smoking in them since before they were even open. Some Favorites:

Big Nose Kates in Tombstone. None finer touch of the west. Bird Cage in Prescott. It's on Whiskey Row. Spirit Room in Jerome. Stock Exchange in Bisbee. Copper Queen Bar in Bisbee. Old Brass Rail in Phoenix. Lion's Den in Pinetop. This is a lot like all the other progress we make as we evolve I reckon, and I ain't fightin it. There's just a bit of the past that is slipping way, no doubt for the best, but nonetheless it is.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Mr. Green Jeans

Found this in the early morning.I love this guy, really.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Alive Today

The picture above, can be seen mo-bigger here:

Some earlier shots:

Today, very early, I went with my boy Eli down to Eloy Arizona. I think they should just go ahead and change the name of that town to, well you know.

About 10 of us were in the balloon, 7 of um jumped and fell straight down, fast, to the earth. The pilot, my daughter Andy and I stayed in, came down the way we went up, sissies.

I have already jumped once, and won't again probably. But I do get a charge being with my boy when he's doing what he loves to do the most. You can read about another of our recent adventures here. On the way home today Andy and I were talking about life, and we agreed that today is a perfect example of how we are living our lives, these are what we will some day call, the good-old-days. Being sweet with each other, cutting-up, and enjoying an Arizona spring morning.

I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's, no-one. This is my deal, my turn, my time, to live and love, full-on. And I got lots of good friends to enjoy it with.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Since the tragedy at Virginia Tech yesterday I've been a bit moody. So much suffering, way more than just 33 or so souls. The moms, dads, brothers, sisters, friends. The list is gut-wrenching, how many have lost something precious, and for how long will they feel the sadness of yesterday, carried with them for ever. I think about those close to me. I think about we never know. I think about what and how can I be of something good for all of them, all of you whom I love. This morning, there was a picture posted by a friend of mine on Zaadz. The look of the Dalai Lama; the way he hugs. I thought I could at least remember some hugs of my own, since we kind of hug a lot alike (me and His Holiness!). So I put together a webpage on my website with some pictures I have of some of the hugging I've done. They're for each and every one of those who lost someone yesterday, and they're for you too.

The picture above is me with my Aunt Barb, lots of years ago. I could create an entire blog of wonderful postings about her, along with all the other precious women in my life!
I made a video out of these pictures too:

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Do you remember?

I was remembering this morning. A time as a kid. We would be sitting around the TV, Mom was in the kitchen, making dinner, maybe some mashed potatoes. Then, she would start the mixer (the beater), and the TV would go crazy, where it was all fuzzy and noisy, couldn't watch it. It was like, hey, hurry up with them mashed potatoes mom! I mean, mashed potatoes, uh, I guess we can wait? Was it just our TV, or do you guys remember this too? It was before computers or cable, so some of ya'll should just go back to your regularly scheduled blogging!
P.S. I LOVE my Mom.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'll give you something to Blog About!

Today we picked up our first delivery of fresh, organic, locally grown produce from the Desert Roots Farm here in The Valley of the Sun. What a nice treat. What you see in this picture is some potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, swiss chard, dill, onions, grapefruit and romaine lettuce! Uh, we're in!

This farm is treating us and the planet, just about right as far as I'm concerned, first class love in my opinion. It's one of those things. Like don't resist the hug monkey, or never pass up a chance to be nice or thankful, and certainly eat locally grown, organic, tasty produce!

There's something about eating "your" vegetables. Mom made me do it because she loved me. Now, it's just part of my celebration of life and this planet. Speaking of which. My friend Suzzana just sent me the end of a poem by Vonnegut, someone she's read, but I haven't. Here it is, without any comment from me.

His last book, in 2005, was a collection of biographical essays, “A Man Without a Country.” It, too, was a best seller. In concludes with a poem written by Mr. Vonnegut called “Requiem,” which has these closing lines:

When the last living thing has died on account of us, how poetical it would be if Earth could say, in a voice floating up perhaps from the floor of the Grand Canyon, “It is done.” People did not like it here.

[remember: all of the photos posted in my blogs here can be clicked on for full-size view].

Monday, April 2, 2007

I have a Monkey

I have a monkey. He lives with me. I call him “My Monkey”, but his real name is “20 Minutes”. He’s about 32 years old; I got him when I was 20. I love my monkey. We’ve done almost everything together all these years. There’s nowhere I go without him. It’s a nuisance at times; having him at work, out for dinner, on trips to see the family. He really hates airplanes, where we can’t be together during the flight. But my monkey is always there for me, no matter what I’m doing, or where I am, he can be counted on to sooth me, keep me company. I love my monkey. These days, everyone’s in an uproar about keeping things healthy and clean, you really can’t bring your monkey inside anywhere any more, not even bars. Lately though, I’m starting to get the feeling that my monkey does not love me. He’s very bossy. It’s ALWAYS about him, his way, and all the time. He gets very jealous if I want to go somewhere or do something without him. I have to take him everywhere, or else he really makes my life difficult. There are times, even when he’s with me, it’s not enough, he still wants more. For example, sometimes he won’t even let me finish dinner without wanting me to meet him outside. I can’t even sit through a movie without him bugging me, I mean, 2 hours man! When I go to bed, I can count on the fact that it will be him waking me up, wanting me to come be with him. He won’t let me sleep in, even on Sundays. My dog might nudge me in the morning, but the monkey, no way, he’s gonna yank off the covers and yell at me until he gets what he wants. My monkey is suffocating me; I can barely breathe most of the time. I’ve tried to leave my Monkey before, give him to someone who wants him. I always let him come back. I feel like a woman who just can’t leave an abusive relationship. Each time I take him back, we both promise each other that we’ll never leave each other again. And it feels good for several months. Then it all starts over, the Monkey, taking my breath away, bossing me around, and making me spend lots of money. It’s expensive, having a monkey these days. A couple of days ago, I dropped him off with my son. Eli knew a guy who would take my monkey. Then this morning, I saw 20 Minutes at the convenience store, and I paid the $6.00 to bring him home with me again. It’s not gonna work out.
[Image found here.]