Monday, January 1, 2007

Younger This Year

I just finished the book Younger Next Year this morning. What a page-turner, the perfect mix of science (by Dr. Lodge) and Real-Life-Funny (by Mr. Crowley). I guess because I'm 51 it's fun and encouraging to get another boost from a couple of guys who are smart, practical and funny. There's no real hype here, just common sense stuff. Once again, I just need to be re-inspired over and over and over again, and these guys are the lastest inspiration for me. I like to think of them as coaches. It's always been a struggle for me to put exercise and physical health at the top of my list. The most important thing has been to be of some use, to have a connected purpose first. I mean, what's the use of being in great shape if you aint doing what you want to do with it? (What's the good of having a nice house without a decent planet to put it on. Thoreau) It's truly been what's the point? So I can keep on keeping on, doing what? So, over the past few years I've been getting on track with the purpose stuff and now I find that getting in shape and being healthy is something that I want as a support for the priority stuff in my life. The authors nicely cover 3 important areas of life: 1) exercise, 2) diet, and 3) involvement in life. Again, there's no preaching here, just common sense encouragement backed by science, which I typically don't need much of, but it's part of the underpinnings that explain why these 3 areas of your life work the way they do. You'll have to get through the science part with an open mind if you're beliefs won't allow you to even listen to any thing to do with what we call evolution. But the book is not about evolution, it's about being younger next year! (It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. Aristotle) I particularly enjoyed the 3rd section, which encourages us to get out and be connected with life. Get a dog, love your wife (or whoever!), volunteer, build bridges. I have seen so many guys just retire, sit around, watch Fox News. Let's get going! Don't get me started on that! So, I want to give this book as a gift to every man I know. And every woman too. They have released one for women, I bet it's great as well. Thanks to my friend Kerry for turning me on to this book, and for that matter, years of the best friendship.

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