Saturday, January 13, 2007


Finished Wayne Dyer's book, Inspiration today. I saw Wayne last month on PBS, during their fund-raising drive. Topic: Inspiration. I've seen this gentleman on TV before, and he grabbed me again that nite. I have a lot of love and appreciation for a man who can talk for hours without notes (no teleprompter for this guy!). Anyway, he's a master speaker, and he had me with him the whole way. During the talk he told the story of Ryan's Well, a moving, let's get off our ass, we can make a difference kind of story! Ryan was there in the audience with his mother. When Wayne was done telling the story, he looks and says to Ryan "You inspire me. You inspire me. You inspire me." 3 times. How warm and precious. So, I bought the book (didn't surprise my Cathy!). Finished it today. I must say that I get more juice from his speaking than I did from the book, but I do recommend the read. Wayne is from the new-age school, A Course In Miracles, deeply into spirit, God, and essence energies. This kind of stuff finds very little resistance with my own energies, but you knew that already. The book is too new-agey perhaps for evangelicals, even though it is in my opinion completely christian. I can get through the language and the "faith" just fine. The point is to be in touch with your essence, whatever language is used is kind of irrelevant to me. There is some wonderful energy associated with the belief that you really are part of God, and that means some wonderful things in your life when you get connected. God is love, God is abundance, health. These are God, and these are us, in our natural state, before our ego gets control and gets us believing that we are separate. And the more you line up with this God energy the more inspired you become, the more fascinating life can be. In my own case (and more than likely everyone, I reckon) it's uplifting to view life this way, connected, taken care of. Just today, slowing down enough, and focusing on appreciation and wonder, brought some nice, sweet energy to me, and a smile. We're all in this together, we are all one really, children of God, this planet, whatever you want to call it. And the attitude of being of service comes easy, it's Us! How can I help? I enjoyed the message. He ends strong with explanations of what an inspired life is like for him. What else do we want? In terms of all the books I've read on these kinds of matters, this is a nice, easy, and as it turns out, inspirational read. Enjoy it, I did. I logged onto Wayne's website this afternoon to send him an eMail, thanking him for the book. I asked him if he had a place for me and Cathy to stay, next time we were in Maui. We'll see how that goes. Perhaps he'll respond quicker than John McCain does (never!)

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