Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blue River Mountain Retreat

Cathy and I just returned from 7 nites and the days in between at the Blue River Mountain Retreat just south of Alpine. We have found our new mountain vacation place, oh my. It's so good we hesitate to tell anyone about it, so we can keep it for ourselves. But, you know that's not the way we roll.

The retreat is located about 10 miles south of Alpine along the Blue River. It's actually in New Mexico, it figures, the Land of Enchantment. Though we drove some new roads, and of course had to go to the Beautiful Place, and the East Fork of the Black River, there's no reason to get in your car once you get there. It's peaceful and there are wonderful hikes that start just outside the cabin door.

We made some new friends, Mike and Kris. Kris was house sitting for Don and Janie who own/live at the Retreat. She is an expert in all things along the Blue, especially the trails. Mike used to work for the Forest Service back in the day a little further south in the Clifton district. He's friends with Don, Janie and Kris too. We are thankful to have the chance to meet such wonderful people along the Blue.

When we got into Phoenix last nite, I realized we hadn't been to a restaurant or seen a traffic light in 6 days. You can catch all our pic from the trip here.


  1. I believe. I was just up in the same area - N & W of Silver City, NM. On my way N on US180, (before turning W on SR78) I spotted the Mogollon Mountains, 3 peaks over 10'000 ft high. The whole area looked worth exploring.


  2. OMG! This place is lovely bobjuan! And pictures of your lovely wife this time! YAY!!! I loved the pics of the yellow trees and the river...! WOW..looks like a place I would love to go to..thanks for wonderful!


