The story is about Jeff Winston (not Phil Connors), who is living a routine, boring life, struggling with marriage and job, all that life-stuff. He dies at 43 of a heart attack. Immediately comes back to life in College at the age of 18, in his dorm room. It takes him a while to figure out what's happening, but he's alive again and starting over at 18, his first replay. Once he gets dialed in, he immediately makes a couple of moves to get some money together, bets on some horse races, other sporting events that he knows the outcome of, and proceeds to live a different life, a way different life.
I think Jeff goes through about 5 or 6 of these replays. Each one gets a little shorter, as he comes back later each time. There is some great love(s) in his life(s). I mean, the guy has had probably close to a hundred years of living through this same part of his life. Oops, I'm almost thinking it's real again.
The story reminds me of how important this time around is for me. There are always, always, every day kinds of always opportunities to live my life mo' fuller, more enjoyed, relaxed. Sharpening those chicken-shit recognizing skills. And the love of this life and this wife, you know what I mean. And to go for it! Quit sitting around waiting for the good stuff, make it happen!
I wouldn't do near as good as Jeff on the replay. Mainly because I have CRS and don't pay attention to what's going on around me. I couldn't come back 5 months ago and remember what the hell just happened! It's the main reason why I have to write book reviews as soon as I read the last page!
Highly recommended book. One of the nice things with fiction is there can be sex in it! I really would like to give you some more of the stories, but I just can't bring myself to ruin it for you. The ending is as fantastic as the beginning. (you clicked the sex link didn't you?)
I also heard about "Replay" by Ken Grimwood on NPR driving home from work.
ReplyDeleteI bought the book! Read it over a 24 hour period. One can not put the book down.
And as the "replay" is "shkewed" the story intensifies. You actually envision yourself as Jeff, his agony and desire - become part of his "replays", attach yourself to those in his past with a sense of happines, salvation, deception, tendernes, and excitement.
But, his Pamela ... just to find it (opportunity), graps it, and loose it. Brings this novel to a culminating ending!
A must reading for those that yern a "past", maybe a second chance or just the "what if's" in life!
Comment aside.
Was there ever a movie released that portrays Ken's book "Replay" - his story! Not another as "12:01 AM", "Back to the Future", "Groundhog Day" or the "Butterfly Effect"?