Friday, October 12, 2007

End of Scenic Drive

Over the years, coming west on Highway 260 back from Alpine and beyond, on the way home typically, we come to the town of McNary, Arizona. Just at the onset of town, here's this sign, letting us know that we've reached the end of the Scenic Drive. What a crackup to live, just past that sign. I sometimes feel I live just past or perhaps before, where the good stuff is! This guy's house, happens to be on the other side of the scenic drive! For some reason, and it's a sick one I'm sure, I just get a friggin kick outta where this is placed, and why we need signs to tell us when/where scenery starts and ends! I love this country!

[as always, a reminder, you can click on that photo above to get the full size image!]

1 comment:

  1. Long time no see BobJuan. I getta kick outta this too. What if the sign wasn't there to inform you / us. Geesh... prbably keep looking at stuff oohing and ahhing as if it were magical views. Ha haa.
    Blessings, David
