Spring is almost here in Phoenix. Almost. We get it earlier than lots of places. Supposedly going to be in the 80s this week, sorry about that. Walking around my little urban space gets me thinking about growth. The Mulberry tree is starting to push out new growth, can't help but wonder about my own, how it comes, how it looks on me, how I've grown. How we all grow. How life keeps going. The Mulberry tree is no doubt, the oldest living resident plant in our backyard. And each year about this time, it starts over in ways. Reminds me that I can all start over each day, hell, each moment if I'm paying attention! Also reminds me that more and more, I'm the oldest thing in the room.
Last year, and years before, birds built their nests here and had their young. Not so sure this year what we'll find, we now have the boo boo. Boo Boo's real name is Baluh, or something, but mostly we call her Booby, Boo Boo or The Boob! Anway, she is pretty much in charge of the Mulberry Tree. And while I'm on the subject of the Boob, she's starting to worry the missus and me, letting her hair grow long and staying out all nite. Little rebel!
This cactus here is one of my favorites. It took a long time to get into a round of growing, and since then has had a couple of major spurts, getting bigger each time. I like that, it gets stronger and greener each time. I've been getting bigger too. Stronger and greener, well. I am exercising more, and we do recycle. Another thing this plant reminds me of is that I'm getting a little too big for my britches!
This guy probably needs to be moved into the straight-on-earth. Like some days, it starts out pretty good, then there's that long part, probably at the office, followed by a little dinner and a movie, and then the crowning little nite-nite feeling at the end.
I think this beauty reminds me of lots of days in my life. Mostly moving towards "up" I reckon, but not truly staight up! You can also see the part of the day right after dinner on this one, where the cocktails kind of kick in! This guy is another fun plant for me. You can see some of the "base" that it mostly really grew from, a very wonderful blast of power. I like it that these guys just sit out in my back yard all day and nite, steady beauty. I have a lot of hope for this guy. It's been through a lot. This kind of cactus can get huge and messy, no doubt planted in the wrong place once it decides that's where it wants to go. But it is hanging on. Here we are, all over the place. Probably should get this guy into the real dirt too. I put that big pad in there a while back, and it seems to be content, with its 4 kids and 2 grand kids, right where it is.
So, another Spring is here. What a wonderful time. You wanna see what I got out front?
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