Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Some late nite bwi:

of kindness
of emptiness
not me
where love goes
before i was here
exhaustion leads me back
to now
there is nowhere to go
nothing to become
nothing at all
drop the charade of unhappy

negative = dual = positive
get over it
all of it.

you know your bobJuan loves you.

[Picture stolen from here.]

Mix It Up

Some bobJuan goodies first.

relax is not something that just happens to you.
stress is all self-made.

All the masters are smiling,
what's up with that?

For my girl:
Why do I ever ever ever
take my eyes off you
or come up with another scheme
than you?
you, my only refreshment
proof of love, goodness and truality
my next move is you.

Magical is here already, pay attention.

There is nothing about the status quo
I would recommend.

Some more Rachel. what did her eyes have
don't talk yourself out of being with her
what was the magic in your eyes
i'm certainly not the only one
you can sit here with me, come on
we can be quiet together, come on
help me remember what we are all doing here
you can sit here with me
i am brave enough to sit here with you
if you want to, i'll sit with you
i will do my best to sit quietly with you
we'll rest together
it's funny, i'm trying to squeeze you into this chair with me. i keep moving over
if you need a place to rest, i'm here

unhappiness is the most selfish thing.

you can't make money out of thin air,
but you can make love that way, happiness too.

how much bravery does it take to be happy?
to resist the laziness of whining.

His kids were named Always & Forever
you could hear him call them both at times
Always & Forever! It's time for dinner!

Mix it up
you can always do what you always do.

When did I stop skateboarding?

I'm always quoting me.

Unhappiness is the grossest form of selfishness
for somehow you think you know better than
what is.

I think we are doing marvelously well given
the complete absence of any real leadership.

And now some real people.

The fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose. Mahatma Gandhi.

Simple people see God as if He stood on that side and we on this side. God and I are one in the act of perceiving Him. Meister Eckhart.

We can not live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men. Herman Melville.

Until next time, your bobJuan.

[Picture found here.]

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I was with you under the blessed ocotillos this morning
between crosses and beloveds in God's house
kneeling and holding hands with us all
loving and missing you
praying to God for you
A sea of brown love
El Mar de Amor de cafe
your heart in every pew
our eyes misting in your love
you our sweet tender and most recent reminder
kindness doesn't wait
are we ever more than delicate
any of us?

Latin love soul music black dressed and studded playing your Salsa.
The Father loves and blesses us all on account of you
in God's favorite tongue, espaňol.

The dove story was not for my ears
my eyes and heart caught them
their beauty reminding me of you, us
how beauty does
the lone dove took wing and
tears pricked my eyes again
Did she find the others?
they waited for her
We don't know much, except beauty, today, yours.

This precious human life
The moments we had with you grip our hearts
We say goodbye to you here,
and hold you closer than ever

I see your smile, on the line.
your gracefulness, intelligence, beauty
greeting me
I will never forget
nunca te olvidare
I would kiss you more.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


First some from your bobJuan.

You know the point,
get back to it a couple of times today.

As long as you confuse money with wealth
you'll never have enough of either.

Though excused of many crimes
he was conflicted of only a few.

Don't forget the thing you are here to do first

Ever since I missed your call
All I hear is my phone ringing.

When is the last time you did something crazy?

I've prepared enough
let's do it.

And now from some real people.

Well, if you want to call Anonymous a real person, here's one:

All of the animals except man know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.

The following all came from Annie Dillard's Pilgrim At Tinker Creek.

As soon as you can forget the naturally obvious and construct an artificial obvious, then you too will see deer. A quote she made from Steward Edward White.

Donald E. Carr points out that the sense impressions of one-celled animals are not edited for the brain: "This is philosophically interesting in a rather mournful way, since it means that only the simplest of animals perceive the universe as it is".

If I thought he could teach me to find it and keep it forever I would stagger barefoot across a hundred deserts after any lunatic at all.

I had been my whole life a bell, and never knew it until at that moment I was lifted and struck.

That's it for this time. remember your bobJuan loves you. [Image found here.]

Monday, March 23, 2009

On The Road (Jack Kerouac)

My writing professor Jed, from Phoenix College recommend this book to me. I read it on assignment. In the meantime, my friend Lucky got me a copy of Lonesome Traveler which I have not yet cracked. The legend is he just pretty much sat down and wrote this book on a long piece of paper. I am ready for some more Kerouac, beatpoet.

At first I thought perhaps the story behind the book was more fascinating than the one in the book. I had another think coming. Raw alive and now, young men on the road, penniless, perhaps Eckart Tolle was a driver in one of those buses or taxis cruising through the now, eyes wide open free from anything common, where everything happens at least every other day.

I think we all long for radical freedom, like Janice Joplin, just another word for nothing left to loose. Sometimes my soul doesn't want to pay the price to have so much to loose. Jack took me on a ride, across life back and forth a few times, fast too.

Another piece of American literature I missed out on by not going to college! I'm catching up, one classic at a time baby.


Just some catching up today.

There is nothing wrong with this.
I will meet you outside of your mind
in the Storyteller lounge.
The distance between you and what you want is equal to your resistance or acceptance of this. This is love.

The next moment isn't gonna do it either.
It's only right now.

How did we screw this up so bad that
it's easier to buy a gun than a bag of pot.
it's legal to buy a gun, and not pot.

Ahhhh, summer,
we'll be seeing a lot more of you

Stop resisting this.

When I met you,
we were young,
I didn't know how beautiful you are were would be.

Unclimbing the mountain
is my favorite part,
it reminds me of
undriving to work.
Unbeing sober is fun too.

From some real people:

Everything happened. Jack Kerouac.

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. George Santayana

[The pic. Beatrice is 22. Found here.]

Friday, March 13, 2009

Love is all you need.

Just some more bobJuan stuff for you.

Forget that you are real
for just a minute.
While you're at it
forget those limitations too.

When I remember that I am here for you
as much or more as I am for me,
things get way more interesting.
How can I help?

"you're" not in traffic
you "are" traffic to everyone else.

the closer I am to here,
the further I am from fear.

When you got my girl on the phone
you are being blessed
by an Angel
don't rush, not this.

I cannot imagine how lazy I would be without you.
Yes I can. Not the way I want to go.

I don't get the fuss about money.
We know where it is,
we know how to get some more,

My job is not the only thing in my life
it's not the most important either.

Think about it,
and tell it different.

[Image stolen from here.]

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Prayer For Owen Meany

617 pages of OWEN as told by Irving. In some ways, it does not get any better than this. I have to thank my friend Ken for the recommendation. After I told him about Garp he told me there was more, and better Irving. I'm glad there's no real picture of OWEN MEANY on the internet. Actors from plays I imagine, is what I see. The image of OWEN that Irvin gave me is the one I want.

Here Mr. Irving takes all the time in the world to tell the stories of OWEN. And again I remember to take my time, we are nothing without our stories.

A story full of lives and life. The side and supporting characters are developed just enough that Mr. Irving can bring them back in at the most wonderful time to have all the fun with them he wants, and he does, bringing a smile to my face at his grace. My goodness OWEN, everyone who knows you believes in prayer.

A long read. Worth it. Next up from Irving: Cider House Rules, A Widow For One Year, and The 158 Pound Marriage. My next book though is Jack Kerouac, On The Road.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Notes & Numbers

The picture above are my notes from a 3 hour mandatory all-hands-on quarterly meeting yesterday at work. It can be correctly viewed from all 4 directions.

Today is the 5th of the month. I encourage you to go on over to Singleton Moms and make your monthly $5.00 donation. Again, every one of us doing this one little thing, each month, makes a mighty fine difference in some mom's lives. Yes it does.

Tomorrow is the 6th of March. It's been a year since I've had a cigarette. I feel mighty fine myself. If I can do it, anyone can.

Here are some other goodies:

We have to understand that the world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is more important than the eye... The hand is the cutting edge of the mind. Jacob Bronowski.

I've continued to recognize the power individuals have to change virtually anything and everything in their lives in an instant. I've learned that the resources we need to turn our dreams into reality are within us, merely waiting for the day when we decide to wake up and claim our birthright. --Anthony Robbins

It is best to be yourself,
imperial, plain and true. Robert Browning

Some from your bobJuan:

if the story ain't good, i stop telling it right away i stop it in its tracks.

I'll meet you in the soul lounge.

where is the crowd that keeps up? my people?

how serious do you have to be
to live well?
i want to thank the rest of you
for holding it all together.

Until next time. My best.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Here's some stuff that's waiting to get posted.

Show me an example of serious
that I might want.
It's play time.

I am a connoisseur of the now
of what's in front of me.

I am happy for all of us,
it's one of the things I do for you.

Sometimes I like to let my love off the leash.
Unstructured love.

Everything you know about me
is your story, not mine.

There are lots of doorways,
my wife is one of my favorites.

Those who have seen
are filled with compassion,
not judgement
our condition is the same
we are all peeling the same onion

I've seen suffering,
it's not for me.

I've added lots of new words to my custom.dic.

the difference between I get it and I'm getting it. that's what I'm talking about.

And now, from some real people:

When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. --Audrey Lorde

Lovely snowflakes,
they fall nowhere else! Zen Saying

The seeing have the world in common. Herakleitos

Pine trees and strange rocks remain unknown to those who look for mind with mind. Shih-Wu

Until next time. your bobJuan. [Image stolen from here.]